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ALBUM REVIEW: Dopamine – Normandie

Swedish rockers NORMANDIE have always had a talent for creating catchy melodies with an underlying depth of meaning. Whether that’s exploring one’s past or present and how that’s impacted the person you’ve become, or, in this new release Dopamine’s case, how our futures may pan out if we continue down a dark path. This album explores a feeling many of us can relate to: being burnt out beyond repair and turning to anything that gives us that quick hit of happiness. Mix this with the view of a dystopian future and it makes for an unsettling outlook on what is to come.

As NORMANDIE always do, imaginative lyrics blend wonderfully into many memorable tracks. Starting with Overdrive, the album opens with one of the band’s classic traits: a sing-along tune and catchy lyrics. They have always been masters of mixing pop sensibilities with rock elements, experimenting recently with more electronic sounds as well. The guitar parts in this track are understated, but the rolling hum in the background adds to the overall sound. A faster paced segment of the song brings some fun definition, with vocalist Philip Strand pulling out some more aggressive vocals to add to this.

There are many examples of NORMANDIE bringing some heavier elements to this release – a couple of breakdowns and an edgier tone to the vocals. This is something the band have been playing with for a while, but it’s great to see these elements being woven even more into their sound. The band have also mastered the art of creating tunes that need to be blasted at full volume in your car and make you feel like you’re in a movie. One such track is Butterflies; with its groovy tempo, soft-spoken lyrics and low-tuned guitars, you really do feel like the main character listening to this one.

Whilst talking about tracks that make you feel badass, it would be rude to not mention Hourglass. This almost effortlessly cool sounding track stands out for a couple of reasons. The chorus features backing vocals that move between notes smoothly and calmly, but the vocals on top have this soulful passion that stands out without taking away the impact. The second reason this track jumps out at you is that it features Dani Winter-Bates of BURY TOMORROW. This might seem like an odd pairing to some, but as mentioned, NORMANDIE have a heavier side to them that completely compliments Winter-Bates’ vocal style. The breakdown that ensues on this track works so well because of the complete contrast to the rest of the verses. You’re taken from this calm but passionate melody to a hard-hitting and angry expression of emotion. It’s powerful and really makes you reflect on the lyrics telling you that life’s short and you’re running out of time.

These songs are easy to listen to, flowing between themselves whilst also throwing in a few curveballs here and there. Overall, this album features many beautiful moments, and the listening experience is really wonderful. You may find yourself having to listen to the tracks a couple of times a day, just because of the sheer catchiness. It’s great to see NORMANDIE grow and develop, whilst also keeping to their roots and creating great music.

Rating: 8/10

Dopamine - Normandie

Dopamine is set for release on February 9th via Easy Life Records.

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