Death MetalEP ReviewsExtreme MetalReviews

EP REVIEW: Prepuce – Atoll

Brutal death metal is one of those genres that can push the boundaries more than others, chiefly because it will never fully break out of the underground. That reasoning may sound condescending, but on the flip side it’s of huge benefit to those who play it, because not only do they have the freedom to get away with lyrics centring around topics that the mainstream wouldn’t dare touch, but the fanbases they entertain are some of the most loyal and rabid in the whole alternative scene, an element that would likely be lost – and in turn, sorely missed – if the scene were to grow exponentially.

Take ATOLL from Phoenix, Arizona for example: their social media profiles have less than 20,000 worldwide followers combined, but those who are fans speak about them in exceptionally revered tones. Today sees their debut release on a reasonably sized label; the EP Prepuce, unleashed via Unique Leader Records.

As mentioned, brutal death metal can swerve around limitations that other genres would have, something summed up best with the following bits of evidence: one, Prepuce is an alternative name for a foreskin, two, the first song on the record is called Cirrhosis For Dinner and three, it opens with a sample from Family Guy before erupting into blast beats, riffs and the most guttural of vocals. And yes, this also sets the tone for the remaining five tracks and 19 minutes.

The charmingly titled Knifed In The Butt follows suit; novel intro, barrage of noise, fade out and then – THEN – there’s The Circumcisor which, given the connotations, could easily be considered the title track; you’re also never going to look at a hot dog in the same way again if you’re brave enough to view the music video either. The remaining trio of tunes – Molotov Cock TeaseHitchhiker and Gathering Swarm – actually forego a bit of the silliness in the sense that they stick to the music, and the second of those tracks even features a natty little bass solo to boot.

Even within the brutal death metal community, Prepuce isn’t going to be considered groundbreaking, or indeed a cornerstone release, but it does what it needs to do: it’s heavier than a megaton of bricks, doesn’t outstay its welcome and, as mad as it sounds, is a lot of fun – there’s something so endearing about the combination of being battered around the head with down-tuned guitars and double bass pedals before being wrong-footed by a well-timed, out of context quip about genitalia taken from a television show or film. Bravo, ATOLL, you’ve done it again.

Rating: 7/10

Prepuce - Atoll

Prepuce is out now via Unique Leader Records.

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