Band FeaturesFeaturesMetalcore

Venues: Seekers Of Solace

The dictionary definition of solace is finding “comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness”. For reasons which needn’t be explained, many of us have been seeking solace in a variety of things. For German metalcore outfit VENUES, theirs came in music. Spinning feelings of frustration and sadness into a positive, the end result is their second studio album Solace.

“During the last few months, everyone in the band had hard times,” harsh vocalist Robin Baumann, chimes in on the eve of their Baden In Blut appearance. Each member of the band had to deal with job losses, financial instability, or relationship breakdowns. It’s these times of hardship which show your true character. Presented with the opportunity to create something positive from their experiences, VENUES found they had made something everyone can relate to on a base level. “It’s not a concept album at all,” clean vocalist Lela Gruber comments, “but there’s a big topic about opening new chapters and leaving things which no longer suit you.”

VENUES themselves had to start a new chapter when their previous vocalist left the band mid-tour. By pure coincidence, Lela met guitarist Constantin Ranis at a STEEL PANTHER show in 2016. “I was invited to meet Michael Starr before the show to have a chat and jam backstage,” she explains. Later on that night, during their hit song Community Property, Starr spotted Lela in the crowd and pulled her up to sing with them. The pair lost contact until VENUES started scouting for a new vocalist. Lela was invited to a rehearsal and the rest is history. “It went so well that I didn’t want to leave,” Lela laughs.

Having recruited Lela and new guitarist Valentin, VENUES had a new lease on life. Solace marks a level of maturity for the band. Wanting to move away from the poppy elements of debut Aspire, the second album dives deeper into metalcore. “I would say we all grew up when it comes to writing music,” Robin notes. Dealing with emotions brought on by growing pains everyone experiences in life shifted perspectives for the band. This fresh attitude to confronting life’s difficulties is reflected in the music also, Lela pointing out “the music has grown up as well.”

Any doubts audiences may have around whether the band has evolved their sound or not is thrown out the window with Razorblade Teeth. Written by drummer Dennis Vanhöfen, this opening gambit is an example of just one element people seek solace from. Exhausted by shift-work for a large German company, Razorblade Teeth is an exercise in ruthless aggression. For eagle eyed fans, the song has already had a release of sorts. Lela tells us about a friend she has in the film industry who was looking for a song to use in the soundtrack for a movie. Releasing just after the second single, this nugget slipped under the radar as the film was only available in the US. “Pirate Bay too but we don’t recommend anyone does this,” Robin smiles.

Solace examines a life in turmoil. Stuck in situations which no longer serve the subject well, the time to move on has come. Rite Of Passage tells the story of the breakdown of the relationship between father and son. Down Below is a thunderous explosion of romance turned sour, while Uncaged Birds speaks to the undeniable relief when a toxic environment is left behind. With these situations becoming more common in society, we asked Robin and Lela if they had any advice for those who may be experiencing this. “Stop holding on to toxic people or relationships and let them go,” Robin answers, “close those chapters which hurt you and open new ones.” Lela adds; “Leaving a toxic situation is the hard step to take but it’s the best thing you can do.”

VENUES’ tale of freedom is told across the band’s five recent music videos. Reading like an episodic television show, it was something for both band and audience to sink their teeth into. Noting DON BROCO as the inspiration behind the narrative videos, Robin in particular wanted to buck the performance based trend. “I start to get tired of performance videos, you know? I always love it when a band comes up with a story which is bizarre and crazy,” he beams as he mentions director Marius Milinski conceptualised all five videos.

Changing tack late album, single Shifting Colors encourages people to free themselves from the ties that bind. Depicting life as a blank canvas, VENUES dare to be “more than a line” and want their fans to do the same. “Everybody is worth way more than being just a line in a book,” Lela says, the weight of her own transformation coming through. This metalcore band is unashamedly themselves as Robin adds he hopes the band is remembered for being one that makes no compromises when it comes to their vision.

Disdain towards the idea of people shrinking themselves to fit into specific moulds comes with penultimate song Deceptive Faces. An attack on the masquerade ball social media has become, this was another song written by Dennis. Working with young people as a drumming teacher, he could see the negative impact social media was having on them. “Everyone just shows their brightest moments; where everything’s happy and going well,” Robin proclaims. Discussing the meteoric rise of social media influencers, YouTube stars and TikTok sensations, Deceptive Faces calls for a cease fire on young people’s mentality. During an emboldened rant, Robin wants to reach out to society at large; “Please don’t compare yourself to these fake lives.”

“It sounds really cheesy but I find mine in making music,” Lela muses when we ask what solace means personally. As creative minds scramble to make sense of emotional overload, there’s a universal truth in Lela’s answer. The metal world is alive with those aiming to find their sanctuary. With Solace, VENUES have made a happy home in theirs.

Solace is out now via Arising Empire. 

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